Saturday, December 26, 2009

Should I use vegetable oil, olive oil or margarine to saute my pork chops?

They are center cut and thin sliced pork chops.Should I use vegetable oil, olive oil or margarine to saute my pork chops?
It's a matter of taste really. The benefits many claim about olive oil being better for your health is correct, but the benefits are VERY little. Do a test yourself %26amp; cook three different pork chops with the three different oils %26amp; see which one you like the best %26amp; then you'll know for the future cooking sessions.Should I use vegetable oil, olive oil or margarine to saute my pork chops?
Olive oil is the best.
Olive oil with a little butter for flavor.
I would use olive oil, it's healthier than the rest.

My mom used to cut the fat off the pork chops, fry up the fat and then use that grease to fry the pork chops. If you aren't concerned about healthier - you could use that method!

Enjoy - yum, pork chops sound good...
I would go with olive oil
extra virgin Olive oil is best
Use vegetable oil. Olive oil has a much lower smoke point and margarine doesn't sautee well.
Light olive oil and clarified butter to heated pan, then the pork chops.
Olive oil burns the quickest %26amp; margarine sucks. FYI , pork doesn't have to be cooked well done %26amp; thin center cut pork chops don't have to cook long @ all ( med well is safe )
Olive oil!!!!
Out of all of those, olive oil is definately the best. It's not as greasy and slimy as veggie oil and it'll lend a better taste than margarine would
Olive Oil.. Its a much healthier option to the other two.
Olive oil, best for you and best tasting. I use it to saute everything I saute...unless I want an asian flavor, then I add a couple of drops of sesame oil to the olive oil. It is great on pork, chicken, shrimp and veggies.
Olive oil. Also, I wouldn't think that it burns quicker than margarine %26amp; I know it has to be extremely hot before it does burn.
I usually cook in olive oil or extra virgin olive oil because it is healthier than vegetable oil.
Olive oil or canola oil. Both healthy oils, and you're not using a high heat, other than the first few minuts to brown..
I would suggest olive oil

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