it is vegetable oil that is manufactured by the process of hydrogenation to give food a longer shelf life and is loaded with trans fats. Trans fats create free radicals that harm all of the cells within the body or in other very bad for you! Regular vegetable oil that does not have hydrogen added is actually very good for you. Basically all of your snack foods will have hydrogenated veggie oil and i would recommend not to eat this.What is hydrogenated vegetable oil and is it healthy?
hydrogenated veggie oil = trans fat
trans fats raise ldl cholesterol and lower hdl cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart disease. They're quite possily the most hated fats in all of fat-dom. created when manufacturers hydrogenated liquid oils to increase their shelf life, they're found mostly in packaged products and nearly every food that contains shortening. Although nutritioin facts labels must state trans fat content, the number is misleading, as manufacturers can legally claim zero grams of trans fats even is up 1/2 gram per serving is present. Instead, look for the words ';hydrogenate'; or ';partially hydrogenated'; on ingredients lists to locate--and avoid--these deadly fats
hydrogenated oils are impregnated with hydrogen and other nasty stuff, they are not good for you and the food industry and chip shops, food outlets and restaurants use the nasty stuff because the oil can be re-used many times and so its a cheap alternate to fresh oil for cooking.
when you have a fry up at home or the oil that comes out of food you usually lob the stuff in the bin, like the oil out of the wok, imagine a gunge, as hydrogenated oil that has all that sludge, in it and then is re-used?
well in the cooking process that is that side of it, commonly hydrogenated fats are used in supermarket food, and processed food it is different from the commercial use, but its a cheap alternate to more natural oils.
the public in most cases are the last to know what slop is being packed into plastic wrappers and sold as food.
It is most unhealthy and consumption leads to high cholesterol. It was recently banned from New York restaurants. Avoid it!!!!
It is soybean. Stay far, far away from anything soy.
anything hydrogenated is bad!!! its not poisonous or anything but its definetly not good for your body, it basicly means chemicaly altered or processed
hope this helps
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