Saturday, December 26, 2009

How can you tell if french fries have been cooked in vegetable oil or beef lard/drippings?

Can you identify, by taste, if french fries have been cooked in beef lard or drippings, and if so how? What's the difference in taste between that and if they are cooked in vegetable oil?How can you tell if french fries have been cooked in vegetable oil or beef lard/drippings?
Not sure how to differentiate between them.

You can do like me and not eat deep fried anything... greasy food is disgusting.How can you tell if french fries have been cooked in vegetable oil or beef lard/drippings?
most places don't use lard or drippings but i would think one could definately tast it if they did. it's a pretty strong difference. if you're eating out, you can ask.
since when is vegetable oil vegetarian?
If they taste good they were cooked in animal fat.
ask whoever is making them ...................

Yes defenitely a difference in taste , lard leaves a film on the roof of your mouth .....

also if youre familiar with the aroma of vegetable oil you can smell the difference too ...........
check for animal fur/.

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