Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What vegetables are used to make Vegetable Oil?

I know olives are used for olive oil and canola for canola oil and peanuts for penaut oil. But what veggies are used to make vegetable oil? Then veggies I buy in the store aren't oily.What vegetables are used to make Vegetable Oil?
coconut oil; sunflowerWhat vegetables are used to make Vegetable Oil?
the most interesting and heathy of the bulk oils is canola.It comes from a turnip like plant called rape the seeds that the oil comes from are the size of a proverbial mustard seed.(tiny)
If your vegetable oil is of any reputable quality, it should say what kind it is!

But ';vegetable'; in this context usually means vegetable matter -- not leafy greens, more likely grains and beans. It just differentiates the stuff from lard or butterfat.

Soybean oil, corn oil, peanut oil, safflower or sunflower seed oil and canola oil are all likely contenders. If the bottle only says ';vegetable oil';, it's likely they used one or more of these; whatever the cheapest one was that they could get.

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