Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What is the difference between vegetable oil and olive oil?

i am making a german chocolate cake and we are out of vegetable oil can i make it with olive oil only calls for 1/2 a cup of vegetable oil.What is the difference between vegetable oil and olive oil?
yes you can subsitute olive oil for vegetable oil the only difference is one is made from olives (and better for you than veg oil)What is the difference between vegetable oil and olive oil?
Olive oil is a type of vegetable oil - it has aricher taste and I think it's actually better for you than regular veggie oil (more monounsaturated fats!). I have used olive oil in recipes calling for veggie oil without too much noticeable difference. I would use the same amount of olive oil as veggie oil. Good luck!
you can, however extra virgin olive oil does have a specific taste to it. The difference between the two is olive oil comes from olives and vegetable oil is made from soybeans. You would use the same amount. Chocolate is a very powerful flavor and may over power the flavor of the olive oil. Other than that it is okay. Happy baking.

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