Friday, December 18, 2009

What is the difference between Canola oil and Vegetable oil when cooking?

And which one do your prefer to use?What is the difference between Canola oil and Vegetable oil when cooking?
canola oil is lighter - my mom is a chef and she uses it in desserts, and vegetable oil in everything else. i prefer olive oil over veggie oil, but that's just me.What is the difference between Canola oil and Vegetable oil when cooking?
Canola Oil is a type of vegetable oil. Vegetable oil can be from many sources, or is often a blend of different oils- canola, safflower, etc.

Either is good to use for cooking, unless you will be frying or cooking at very high temperatures- then you should use peanut oil, because it won't burn at high temps like vegetable oil or olive oil can
Canola oil is much healther than vegetable oil.

It has the omega 3 fatty acids that are good for your heart.
one is vegetable oil and the other is Canola....
There is no difference of consequence. There may be a slight difference in smoking point, but nothing major. I prefer vegetable (soybean) oil because it is cheaper.
Either is acceptable to use. I prefer to use olive oil or safflower oil myself.

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