Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How do I get vegetable oil/shortening out of my furniture?

My children, while I was in the shower, found my Crisco and vegetable oil and smeared it everywhere in our apartment. I need to know how to get it off of the walls, the furniture, the electronics and the carpet. I have throught about using Dawn Soap but I don't have any on hand and I don't have a vehicle. I've also thought of windex, but I don't have that either. If you have any tips or ideas or if this has happened to you also, please let me know what you used to clean it up with. The task is so large, that I don't know where to begin to clean.How do I get vegetable oil/shortening out of my furniture?
Well theres a simple solution to this problem. You've got to tell your children to clean it up and if they do not then kill them... a game of ping pongHow do I get vegetable oil/shortening out of my furniture?
Until you can hit the store, get out some table salt, baking soda, baby powder or cornstarch. After you scrape off the solids, sprinkle any one of these on the soiled area to absorb the remaining grease from carpet and upholstered items. You can use a cloth dampend with hot water and vinegar on solid surface to cut through the grease.
cillit bang quality
If it`s on everything you`ll have to get professional cleaners in - it will be worth it. And take more care next time ! Honestly you parents - can`t be left for 2 minutes can you ?
i think u can find help in

i hope this can help
The first step is to just wash what you can with hot soapy water. Scrape off any chunks of the Crisco, but for your walls, just use the hot soapy water for the first round.

The next time you go shopping, pick up a quart of sudsing ammonia and pour a cup of that into hot water to rewash any spots that still need help. Ammonia is the ultimate degreaser and dewaxer. It also leaves a temporary smell that your kids will remember and that you can use to remind them why good boys and girls don't do these things.

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